Friday, May 27, 2011

Focus of the Week - Depth of Field

Depth of field. The distance that is sharp beyond and in front of the focus point at a given f-stop.

My favorite portraits have a shallow depth of field; I love a blurry foreground and background with the point of focus perfectly sharp to emphasize the subject. I always try to select the largest aperture or smallest f/value possible to achieve a shallow depth of field.

I love this wedding portrait with the beautiful blurry background emphasizing these lovely newlyweds. The shallow depth of field was created using an f-stop of f/2.8.


I love this photo with the beautiful blurry foreground framing the subjects. To acheive this, I shot through vines to frame the subjects at an f-stop of f/2.8 to create a shallow depth of field.


When photographing couples I love to focus in on one with the other out of focus. In the photo below the bride is my point of focus, the groom is out of focus in the foreground and there is a beautiful blurry background. The shallow depth of field was created using an f-stop of f/2.
